# These are the names of the levels - they're all named after songs, in case you were wondering where the weird names came from(although you should still translate them)
# Should not be any longer than this: (You might have to come up with shorter names to do this)
# |----------------|
2180 = "Pripravljen ali ne"
2181 = "Krdelo gangsterjev"
2182 = "Gremo na zlato"
2183 = "Daljinec"
2184 = "V rokah policije" # Fuzz = Police
2185 = "Rojeni drsalec"
# 2186, 2187, 2188, 2189 taken
# Keyfile stuff
2190 = "Vnesi prosim svojo ^¹ifro (v ^¹katli z igro):"
2468 = "Pritisnite izbrano tipko ali gumb oz. pritisnite 0 za onemogo^èenje." # new - Displayed when the user has chosen which action they want to redefine (e.g. 'previous weapon'). If they press 0 then there will be no key that allows them to (e.g.) switch to their previous weapon.
2471 = "Ta predstavitev omogo^èa igranje vzor^ène stopnje igre Payback za 5 minut. Po prete^èenem ^èasu se bo igra samodejno kon^èala."
2472 = "Predstavitev je prosto razpo^¹iljiva, a je ni dovoljeno spreminjati na kakr^¹enkoli na^èin. Uporaba na lastno odgovornost."
2490 = "^Èas je potekel!" # new
# PSX pad controls
1500 = "Izbira" # new
1501 = "Start" # new
1502 = "L1" # new
1503 = "D1" # new
1504 = "L2" # new
1505 = "D2" # new
# CD32 pad controls
1510 = "Igra" # new
1511 = "Nazaj" # new
1512 = "Naprej" # new
# Keyboard controls
1520 = "Return" # new
1521 = "Preslednica" # new
1522 = "Help" # new
1523 = "Del" # new
1524 = "Enter" # new - on numeric keypad
1525 = "Ctrl" # new
1526 = "L-Shift" # new
1527 = "L-Alt" # new
1528 = "L-Amiga" # new
1529 = "D-Shift" # new
1530 = "D-Alt" # new
1531 = "D-Amiga" # new
1532 = "Tabulatorka" # new
1533 = "Vzvratna brisalka" # new
1534 = "Zvezdica" # new - name of upper-right key on numeric keypad